5 Years

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Wow! How time has flown by! Today is my nephew's 5th birthday. My family has a ton of birthday's every year, but this one is pretty special to me. When I look at Santino I always think about how he marks a new generation in my family. I think of how he represents the generation that I want to provide a good and happy life to.

I was riding my bike to a stats class during my freshman year of college when my sister called me to tell me she was going to the hospital and that Santino would be coming soon. Later on that day he was here! I've really enjoyed spending time with him over the past 5 years. He's in school now and he's such a smart kid. So articulate in both school and in relationships. I'm really proud to be his uncle and proud of my sister for raising such a good kid.

Happy birthday little guy!


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